- Navigacija
- Spodbujanje vključevanja zaposlenih, katerih zaposlitev je ogrožena – SPIN 2.0
- Podpora podjetjem za podaljševanje delovne aktivnosti - ASI+
- Programi 2021–2027
- O razvoju kadrov
Finished projects 2014-2020
Comprehensive Support for Actively Ageing Workforce
- Competence Centers for Human Resources Development
Practical training with work
Encouraging persons facing the loss of employment into labour market measures
Raising the level of education
- Students Innovative Projects for the Benefit of Society
- Creative path to knowledge
- Non-formal education and training
- Kompetenčni center za design management (KCDM 2.0)
- Prometej
- Štipendije za deficitarne poklice - ESS
Comprehensive Support for Actively Ageing Workforce
- Programmes 2007-2013
Raising the level of education
Main goals of the programme Raising the level of education:
- increasing participation in Lifelong Learning and improving the competences that adults need in view of the needs on the labor market, increased employability and mobility and personal development and functioning in a modern society;
- raising the educational level and the professional competences of the individuals who have completed education on secondary level and have, prior to enrollment in the programme, completed the maximum vocational education or less.
Programme is co-financed by the Ministrsty of Education, Science and Sport and the European Union under the European Social Fund.