Informacije o  odločanju glede izposoje računalniške opreme
Vlagatelji vlog za izposojo računalniške opreme

Informacije o odločanju glede izposoje računalniške opreme

Izdanih je že več kot 8.000 pozitivnih odločb vlagateljem iz prvega do četrtega dohodkovnega razreda.

Na novičko

High school students, Students

Programmes for Promoting Mobility to Slovenia

With several scholarships we are promoting international mobility of secondary school, university students and researchers from Slovenia abroad and vice versa. Find a scholarship for yourself!

Students, Employers, Educational establishments, Individuals

Booklet about Fund

We have issued a new booklet in English about programmes, that the Fund is carrying out.  


International Recovery of Maintenance

The Fund is the central forwarding and receiving authority in procedures of international recovery of maintenance.

High school students, Students

Programmes for Promoting Mobility to Slovenia

With several scholarships we are promoting international mobility of secondary school, university students and researchers from Slovenia abroad and vice versa. Find a scholarship for yourself!

Students, Employers, Educational establishments, Individuals

Booklet about Fund

We have issued a new booklet in English about programmes, that the Fund is carrying out.  


International Recovery of Maintenance

The Fund is the central forwarding and receiving authority in procedures of international recovery of maintenance.



Dunajska 20, 1000 Ljubljana

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