Practical training with work
Introducing young people into the work process and their practical qualifications are of the most importance for further development of students and their successful career. Practical training at employer is aimed at the student to become familiar with the work environment. Through work process, he also gains social competences needed for employability.
Successful and high-quality performance of practical part of education requires intensive cooperation between educational institutions and employers. Motivated and competent employees-mentors who are engaged in the process are one of the essential stakeholders.
To encourage the employers to provide practical training with work for students of vocational and higher education, a programme called Co-funding the incentives for employers to participate in the execution of practical training with work was launched in 2009 in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The Ministry also supported the programme financially, 85% of all budget was received from European Social Fund.
Important Achievements for the period 2008-2015:
- more than 26.000 students included,
- app. 12.000 employers offered practical training with work,
- stronger connection and improved cooperation between school, employer and student,
- greater responsiveness of educational institutions to the needs of the labour market,
- higher quality of practical training and
- more than EUR 18.000.000 invested.
In future vocational education and training will be supported as a priority; more emphasis will be given to on-the-job training. Training on the base of individual apprenticeship will receive more attention.
Programme was co-financed by the Ministrsty of Education, Science and Sport and the European Union under the European Social Fund.