- Navigacija
- Kompetenčni centri za razvoj kadrov 4.0
- Spodbujanje vključevanja zaposlenih, katerih zaposlitev je ogrožena – SPIN 2.0
- Podpora podjetjem za podaljševanje delovne aktivnosti - ASI+
- Programi 2021–2027
- O razvoju kadrov
Finished projects 2014-2020
Comprehensive Support for Actively Ageing Workforce
- Competence Centers for Human Resources Development
Practical training with work
Encouraging persons facing the loss of employment into labour market measures
Raising the level of education
- Students Innovative Projects for the Benefit of Society
- Creative path to knowledge
- Non-formal education and training
- Kompetenčni center za design management (KCDM 2.0)
- Prometej
- Štipendije za deficitarne poklice - ESS
Comprehensive Support for Actively Ageing Workforce
- Programmes 2007-2013
Finished projects 2014-2020
In period 2014 - 2020 we have successfully finished the following programmes:
In cooperation with Ministrsty of Labour, Family, Aocial affairs and Equal opportunities and the European Union under the European Social Fund:
In cooperation with the Ministrsty of Education, Science and Sport and the European Union under the European Social Fund.
- Programmes are still in process.